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Kelley College of Business and Professional Studies
The Kelley College of Business will supply a noticeably Christian environment in which undergraduate business students will learn how to build a life of meaning within the context of a business career, acquiring the skills necessary to find a job and to run a successful business.
Objectives: Through an education enlightened by Christian faith, we will:
- Integrate faith, legal, ethical, and personal consideration into business decision-making.
- Understand how data is collected, reported, and analyzed to manage organizations and make better business decisions.
- Communicate analyses, results, decisions, and recommendations.
- Identify business opportunities and learn how to market, raise and manage the capital to finance them.
- Analyze and understand financial statements, business functions, and management processes for business success.
The Kelley College of Business is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
Irvin School of Education
The Irvin School of Education is part of the Kelley College of Business and Professional Studies. Irvin School of Education provides life-long learning opportunities through innovative and reflective scholarly experiences for undergraduate and graduate students. Through thoughtful engagement discovering new ideas or solutions, students develop a passion for seeking personal and professional transformation through physical and mental health, education, technology, science, service, leadership, and community. Irvin supports excellence in scholarly pursuits that explore complex issues related to education and leadership among individuals, families, educational institutions, and our global society.
Our mission is to prepare transformative leaders, educators, global citizens, and excellence in research, education, and science. We are dedicated to building a community and providing excellence in education enlightened by Christian faith and values.
The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) and Texas Education Agency (TEA) Office of Accountability has awarded Hardin-Simmons University Teacher Education Program a rating of “Accredited” under the Accountability System for Educator Preparation authorized by Texas Education Code 21.045 every year since the rating of teacher preparation entities has been awarded.

Student Achievement
The Kelley College of Business demonstrates estimated data and evidence for student achievement for the 2021-23 period:
• Attrition: 40%
• Retention: 70%
• Graduation: 60%
• Licensure pass rates: 90-100% (first time and second time)
• Job placement rates: 100% of students seeking employment are employed.
• Acceptance into graduate programs: 100% of students seeking graduate programs are accepted.
• Successful transfer of credit: ACBSP institutions accept our transfer credits.
1. Retention rate of full-time, first-time freshmen that majored in the business school in Fall 2021: 62.50%
2. 6-Year Graduation rate of full-time, first-time freshmen that graduated in the business school:
a. Fall 2013 cohort (graduated in or before August 2019): 45.90%
b. Fall 2014 cohort (graduated in or before August 2020): 43.10%
c. Fall 2015 cohort (graduated in or before August 2021): 48.33%
d. Fall 2016 cohort (graduated in or before August 2022): 66.18%
Business & Education Degrees available through Kelley College
Kelley College of Business offers ten undergraduate degree programs in fields including Accounting, Economics, Finance, and Marketing. Our college also offers three different business-oriented master degree programs. Irvin School of Education currently offers 15 undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
Undergraduate Programs
- Accounting Degree
- Art Education Degree
- Business Administration Degree
- Cybersecurity Minor
- Economics Degree
- Elementary Education Degree
- English Education Degree
- Finance Degree
- History Education Degree
- Information Systems Degree
- Management Degree
- Marketing Degree
- Mathematics Education Degree
- Music Education
- Physical Education Degree - All Level
- Science Education Degree
- Second Certificate – SPED
- Social Studies Education Degree
- Theatre Education Degree
- Wealth Management Minor
Graduate Programs
Featured Facts and Information

Irvin School of Education
Irvin School of Education provides life-long learning opportunities through innovative and reflective scholarly experiences for undergraduate and graduate students.

Master of Arts in Management
The fully-online Master of Arts in Management program provides our students with the managerial and technical business skills to enhance the lives of the people and organizations they influence. No GMAT or GRE is required. Prepare for a job in:
• Human Resources
• Management Consulting
• Finance Management
• Business Development
• Production/Operations Management
• Marketing/Sales Management

Our Business Faculty
Our faculty includes CPAs, lawyers, PH.D.s ... who also happen to be novelists, programmers, team ropers, and former city councilmen. Not only are they highly educated, but they've put their educations to work in the real world as real people tend to do. They'll teach you and nurture inside and outside the classroom.

Meet the Irvin Faculty
Explore the profiles for the faculty and staff from the Irvin School of Education.