Providing for Equine Assisted Services

Provide for Equine Assisted Services

Drawing of front elevation of new equine center.Abilene is the healthcare center for a 22-county area known as the Texas Midwest, where equine assisted services is needed. To meet the needs of our students and community, HSU plans to build an equine assisted services center to provide services to people with emotional, learning, and physical disabilities, including children receiving therapy for autism through HSU’s Houston-Lantrip Center for Literacy and Learning. Hardin-Simmons University has a well-known equestrian program and top-rated Physical Therapy and Physician Assistant programs where students will work alongside professionals to aid those in need through equine assisted services. Graduate students in Human Development, Special Education, and Counseling will also receive this specialized training.

Drawing of top elevation of new equine center.We will achieve our goals by utilizing our Six White Horses program, begun in the late 1920s. In the United States, Europe, Canada and beyond, the image brought to mind by the mention of Hardin-Simmons University is that of Western-style riders on White Horses. The Six White Horses have performed for millions in parades, rodeos and at many other public functions. While thousands see the horses at many public functions throughout the year, an important part of their work is visiting the area elementary schools. Each year, more than 15,000 children have the opportunity to sit on a White Horse. This opportunity has further developed an awareness of the program and a love for the Horses by children in the Big Country. “Doc” Beazley’s books, depicting the life of each horse, are an important part of many children’s treasures.

Equine Therapy BiFold

speakLIFE 25 Questions Series: Equine Assisted Services

Join sophomore psychology major, Jenna Kendrick, as she takes us around the Six White Horses facility and Debbie, the Six White Horses program director, as they share why they are excited to see an Equine Assisted Services Center listed as a speakLIFE project. Equine Assisted Services:

Update and Naming Opportunities

To meet the needs of our students and community, HSU plans to build an equine center to provide services for people with physical and emotional disabilities. We have currently raised one quarter of the funds needed.

There are many conditions that can be treated by animal-human interaction. While HSU has a barn and coral, we aspire to create a new home to include equine-assisted services; a place where individuals can heal, students can learn, and horses can be cared for. Equine services will especially help children with autism who are treated at HSU’s Houston-Lantrip Center for Literacy and Learning.

For just $1,200 your name, your group’s name, or the name of someone you choose to honor can be branded on the wall of HSU’s new Equine Center. Saddle up and speakLIFE for HSU!

Give Here

Equine Facility Design Rendering

Graphic that reads: $500,000 Gift Supports HSU Equine Therapy Program and Student Scholarships with a photo of a horse and a kid brushing it

Hardin-Simmons University (HSU) is excited to announce a $500,000 donation from a long-time benefactor in support of the university’s Equine Therapy program and student scholarships. This gift, dedicated to expanding therapeutic services and providing more opportunities for students, marks a significant step forward in our commitment to serving the community.

Click here to read more!

Provide for Equine Assisted Services

If you are interested in larger naming opportunities, contact HSU’s Advancement Office at
325-670-1379 or