
Intramurals at HSU are recreational sports leagues and tournaments that take place within the university for free. They provide an opportunity for students to stay active and engage in friendly competition. They also allow students to connect and grow relationally with one another. Recreational sports and activities can reduce the levels of stress hormones in our bodies and increase endorphin production without us even realizing it! The more endorphins we produce, our moods are enhanced and the better depression and stress can be fought. So, in theory, the more intramurals students play, the happier they will be!
Stay up to date on all things HSU Intramurals by following us on Instagram, Tik Tok, and YouTube:
Major Sports
Minor Sports
- 4v4 Sand Volleyball Tournament: 8/31 – 8/31
- Fantasy Football: 9/1 – 1/7/24
- Perry’s Pickleball: 9/5 – 9/21
- Spikeball: 9/11 – 9/11
- Fall Softball: 9/25 – 10/12
- Crossnet: 10/2 – 10/2
- Flag Football: 10/16 – 11/2
- Ultimate Ball: 10/23 – 10/23
- Too Corny Cornhole: 10/31 – 10/31
- 3v3 Basketball : 11/6 – 11/9
- 6v6 Volleytastic Volleyball: 11/13 – 12/7
- Catanathon: 11/27 – 11/27
Intramural Sports are intended primarily to afford an opportunity for experiential learning through athletic participation for the entire HSU Community. We serve to cultivate lifetime recreational skills, to integrate students socially in a sports setting, and to foster a spirit of sportsmanship and fair play among participants and spectators. Intramurals offers a variety of opportunities for individuals of all abilities.
Individuals and organizations participating in Intramural Sports should do so with the attitude that good sportsmanship and fair play are an integral part of the activity. The rules and procedures set forth in this publication will be used as guidelines to apply toward the Intramural Program. The Intramural Office reserves the right to amend, alter, or dissolve any of these guidelines or rules for the enhancement of the program. All participants are expected to comply with the spirit as well as the letter of the rules.
Sign up for intramurals by downloading the FusionPlay App.
HOW TO ORGANIZE AND MANAGE: Social Clubs, Residence Halls, and Independent organizations should choose a manager to be in charge of Intramurals. There are manager meetings at the start of each semester as announced on the Intramural bulletin boards. At these meetings, the manager will be given information that they will need to pass on to the other members of their organization.
STUDENT EMPLOYMENT: The University Recreation Department employs a large number of students each year to aid in conducting the different programs. These students are employed in the areas of Aerobics, Aquatics, Clerical Assistants, Facility Management, Fitness, Intramurals, Open Recreation, and Outdoor Adventure. These are paid positions giving students the opportunity to work throughout the entire school year. Interested persons are to contact the University Recreation Department for additional information.
ASSUMPTION OF RISK: Individuals are highly encouraged to have a physical examination and obtain adequate health and accident insurance PRIOR TO PARTICIPATION in INTRAMURAL activities. Individuals that participate in University Recreation Department activities will be doing so at their own risk. Neither Hardin-Simmons University nor the University Recreation Department can assume the responsibility for injuries incurred during practice for, or participation in, any Intramural activity. Participation is on a strictly voluntary basis. All participants injured during an Intramural activity are required to report the accident to an Intramural Manager.
The Coordinator for University Recreation – Coordinator for University Recreation in hearing sportsmanship and rule violation cases that may result in suspension from the program. The Coordinator for University Recreation will call the Disciplinary Board into session upon request.
Intramural Sports Program Participation Concept
The Intramural Sports Program is designed to match equally skilled participants in various activities to meet physical as well as recreational needs. Team, individual, and dual competition will take place in the following divisions: Men’s Collegiate, Women’s Collegiate, Men’s & Women’s Open, and Co-Rec Collegiate.
Awards for active participation and success should not be the only goal in an Intramural Program, but such awards do add to the competitive spirit of such an activity. It is with this idea in mind that the department will offer awards to the All University Champions in each sport.
Rules and Regulations for Intramural Competition
The Coordinator for University Recreation reserves the right to put into effect emergency rules relative to the program in order that the program might function in a secure manner.
University Status: All students who are currently enrolled for three or more semester hours of credit at HSU are eligible for intramural competition, unless otherwise provided by the rules.
Faculty and Staff: All faculty and staff at HSU who have a current activity card are eligible for intramural competition.
Co-Rec. Activities: All eligible students, faculty, and staff may also participate in co-rec. activities.
Eligibility Investigation: The University Recreation Staff will assume responsibility for investigating eligibility for all participants upon request by the team captain. NOTE: Any individual that the University Recreation Staff deems to be ineligible will not be allowed to participate.
Professional Athletics: Students ineligible for varsity competition due to professional rank are prohibited from competition in the intramural sport(s) in which loss of amateur standing was achieved for a period of five (5) years from the date professional career ended. (This does not include try-outs and cuts from a professional team).
Varsity Athletics: Any person whose name appears on an official squad list, who has suited out for any game, or continues to work out with a varsity team (including red-shirt players) after the first intercollegiate game shall be considered a varsity athlete and ineligible for intramural competition in that sport, or related sport, until that individual has no affiliation with the team for consecutive fall, spring, and two summer semesters in any order. NOTE: There is no limit to the number of current varsity athletes in a nonrelated sport, Regarding former varsity athletes in a related sport that can be on the team roster NIRSA rules will be followed.
Rosters: Teams are recommended to have double the number of individuals on the team roster. In order for an individual to be considered eligible for intramural competition, his/her name and student identification number must appear on the team roster prior to competition. Additions to the team roster must be made by the team manager and before the designated roster locking date on IM Leagues. Deletions may be made at anytime; however, if an individual is deleted from the roster, he/she is ineligible to compete in that division for the remainder of the regular season and play-offs.
NOTE: Maximum championship awards will be determined by doubling the number of players allowed to participate during the contest.
Competing on Two Teams: Players having participated with one intramural team are ineligible to play for another team in that sport. A participant establishes eligibility with a team by having their full name and student identification number on the roster and playing their first contest of that sport with said team. Should a person play for more than one men’s, women’s, or co-rec. team, their eligibility lies with the team they played with first. All other properly protested teams will forfeit their games due to use of an ineligible player. Exception: Individuals may play in both the men’s or women’s program and the co-rec. program.
Roster Transfer: Any individual wishing to transfer from one team to another must be approved by the Coordinator for University Recreation prior to the second Friday of the regular season. There will be no team transfers by individuals during elimination tournaments.
Play-offs Eligibility: In order to be eligible for the play-offs in a sport, an individual must have his/her name and student identification number on the team’s roster. Also, he/she must have played in at least one game during the regular season. Each team must have an Average Sportsmanship Rating of 4 in order to qualify.
Ineligible Player: Any person participating in an intramural activity without his/her name and student identification number on the team’s roster or found in violation of the Rules and Regulations of Intramural Sports shall be deemed ineligible. The following penalties shall apply:
- Any person participating in an Intramural activity found to be ineligible shall be suspended from that activity for the remainder of the season.
- Any team using an ineligible player shall forfeit the game in which the ineligible player participated provided the contest was properly protested.
- A player competing under an assumed name will be suspended from intramural competition for the remainder of the season and placed on probation for the remainder of the school year. Violation of probation may result in expulsion from the program.
- The team using an ineligible player with an assumed name shall be suspended from that activity for the remainder of the season and placed on probation for the remainder of the school year. Violation of probation may result in expulsion from the program.
Forfeit Policy: Game time is forfeit time. If a team fails to appear at the scheduled location, the official will declare the contest a forfeit thus resulting in the following:
- The team that forfeits will receive a Loss by Forfeit (LBF) recorded against their record. The captain will have 24 hours to pay a $20.00 forfeit fee to the University Recreation Department. If the captain fails to pay the fee, the forfeited team will be dropped from the league. Members of the team will not be allowed to register for intramural activities until the fee is paid.
- The winning team must record its lineup (names and student identification numbers) for the forfeited game and must have at least the minimum number of players to participate. NOTE: Officials will not be used during a forfeited game.
- In the event of a double forfeit, both teams will receive a Loss by Forfeit (LBF) recorded against their record. Both captains will be responsible to pay the $20.00 forfeit fee within 24 hours. If one or both teams do not pay the fee, they will be dropped from the league.
- A team will be dropped from competition upon announcement of their second forfeit. The $20.00 forfeit fee will also be required for the second forfeit. Members of the team will not be allowed to register for intramural activities until the fee is paid.
Request to Cancel or Opt Not to Play: A team that has a regular season or playoff conflict may either “request to cancel” or “opt not to play” as opposed to forfeiting the contest. To “request to cancel”, the team captain must call or visit the Intramural Office no later than 24 hours before the day of the game and complete the appropriate form. If this deadline is missed, a team may “opt not to play” by showing up at the contest site by game time with the required number of players to participate. Then, they should notify the University Recreation Intrmural Supervisor of their intention to withdraw. In both cases, the contest is recorded as a loss by the defaulting team. The team will not be required to pay a forfeit fee if either of these options is utilized.
Rainouts: No decision of whether to play or cancel the games will be made until 3:00 pm on the day of the inclement weather. Games will be rescheduled at the discretion of the Coordinator for University Recreation.
Protests: Protests involving rule interpretations or player eligibility will be considered but judgment calls by the official will not receive consideration. To properly file a rule interpretation protest, a participating member must call a time-out immediately following the play in question and notify the game official of their intention to protest. The game will be suspended, and the Intramural Manager will be called to the game site to render a final decision. NOTE: Team captains that request a rule protest must REMOVE their team from the field/court and suspend play until a manager is notified. If the team continues to play, the protest will NOT receive consideration. Grievances are accepted, but serve primarily as a means of communication between participants and the University Recreation Department .
Protest concerning player eligibility must be made to the Intramural Manager before, during, or immediately following the contest in question to receive consideration. The protest will be ruled on by the Coordinator for University Recreation the day following the contest in question. Neither contest brackets nor event schedules will be postponed because of this protest. If an immediate decision is required, the Intramural Manager will resolve the situation. NOTE: No protest will be considered if the above procedures are not followed.
Team Captains: Team captains are designated on each roster form. The person choosing to represent a team must be willing to fulfill the following obligations and responsibilities.
- Obligations
- Attend the mandatory team captain meetings. Fully and correctly complete the team roster form (including student identification numbers).
- Ensure that all necessary players are present and prepared to play at game time. Complete each contest scorecard accurately including each player’s full name and student identification number.
- Check the intramural schedule board for regular season and play-off information. Schedules are subject to change due to facility availability, inclement weather, and special events. Team captains are responsible for identifying and notifying their team of all scheduling information (date, time, place, etc.).
- Securing a team scorekeeper or timekeeper when required in designated sports.
- Keeping all spectators out of the team bench area.
- Signing each scorecard at the conclusion of the contest.
- Responsibilities
- Team captains are responsible for their player’s conduct before, during, and after each Intramural contest. Similarly, they are responsible for the conduct of their team’s fans. Since team captains assume responsibility for the conduct of their players and fans, they should be aware that inappropriate conduct would jeopardize their personal and team’s future participation.
- Knowing all policies and procedures published herein, printed on intramural entries, notices or flyers, etc. and information covered in the team captain meetings.
- Convey to their team members all pertinent information regarding their intramural participation.
- Represent their team in all intramural matters and game concerns with the University Recreation Department.
- Captains are required to represent their teams in all actions related to intramural participation. They are the first individuals contacted regarding scheduling or disciplinary issues.
Conduct of Team, Individual Participant, Coach, and Spectators
Sportsmanship: A part of the philosophy of the University Recreation Department is that good sportsmanship is vital to the conduct of every contest. In order to encourage proper conduct during games, officials, managers, and administrative personnel shall make decisions as to warn, penalize, or eject players, coaches, teams, and/or spectators for poor sportsmanship. These decisions are final. The Coordinator for University Recreation will rule on further penalties to be prescribed as a result of unsportsmanlike conduct; profanity; unnecessary delay of game; striking or shoving an opponent; threatening, shoving or striking an official; arguing with officials; derogatory and abusive remarks toward an opponent or official; and any action with the intent to physically injure an opponent. The team manager is responsible for the actions of any individual member of the team and for spectators directly related to said team. The conduct of the players and spectators before and after games is an important as the conduct during said game. Organizations will be held responsible for conduct at these times as well as during the game.
Mandatory Penalties:
- Any individual who is ejected from a contest must leave the facility (sight and sound) immediately upon notification of the Manager.
- No individual may participate or spectate in any intramural activity during his/her suspension.
Violation: Shoving, striking, or physically abusing an official or manager.
Penalty: Automatic suspension from Intramural activities for one (1) full calendar year along with a mandatory meeting with the Coordinator for University Recreation the following day.
Note: This includes being reported to the Dean of Students and the University Judicial Board.
Violation: Ejection from a game due to a rule infraction.
Penalty: Automatic one game suspension from team’s next scheduled game and probation for remainder of sport season.
Note: Each case heard separately by the Coordinator for University Recreation.
Violation: Ejection from a game due to unsportsmanlike behavior.
Penalty: Automatic one game suspension from team’s next scheduled game and probation for remainder of sport season along with a mandatory meeting with the Coordinator for University Recreation. Addition penalties may be sanctioned.
Note: Each case heard separately by the Coordinator for University Recreation.
Violation: Ejection from a game due to fighting. (Individuals)
Penalty: Automatic two game suspension from team’s next scheduled games and probation for remainder of sport’s season along with a mandatory meeting with the Coordinator for University Recreation. Addition penalties may be sanctioned.
Note: Each case heard separately by the Coordinator for University Recreation.
Violation: Sidelines emptying onto playing field. (Teams)
Penalty: Automatic forfeit of game by both teams and mandatory meeting of team captains with Coordinator for University Recreation and possible suspension of all activities for the remainder of the year.
Note: Each case heard separately by the Coordinator for University Recreation.
Violation: Ejection or misconduct during or after last game of season in a sport.
Penalty: Possible suspension from all Intramural Sports activities during and including the next major team sport.
Note: Each case heard separately by the Coordinator for University Recreation.
Violation: Continuous evidence of unsportsmanlike conduct by individuals, teams, or organizations.
Penalty: Possible suspension from Intramural Sports for remainder of semester and/or year.
Note: Each case heard separately by the Coordinator for University Recreation.
NOTE: Forfeited games do not count toward the suspension of an individual.
Disciplinary Cases: Individuals or teams violating the rules and regulations of the University Recreation Department will be held accountable for their actions by the Coordinator for University Recreation. Violations may result in, at minimum, a probationary letter or a maximum penalty of indefinite suspension following review by the Coordinator for University Recreation. If individuals or teams feel they have been charged unfairly, appeals may be heard by University Recreation Department Disciplinary Board. The individuals or teams involved will be suspended from intramural competition pending a decision by the board.
Procedure of Appeals
- To be considered, all individuals, teams, or organizations must complete and turn in Intramural Appeals form within 24 hours after the decision in question to the Coordinator for University Recreation. All forms may be obtained through the Intramural Office.
- The Coordinator for University Recreation must notify the parties involved at least 72 hours prior to a hearing unless representatives waive his/her right. At this time, the parties will be notified of charges and the witnesses to be called.
- The manager and captain of each team concerned may be represented at the hearing. Each party may call witnesses to his/her defense.
- At the completion of the hearing, the parties will be verbally notified of the University Recreation Department Disciplinary Boards decision. Within 72 hours following the decision, a written letter will be sent by the Coordinator for University Recreation indicating the decision
- All decisions made by University Recreation Department Disciplinary Board are final.
Intramural Sports are intended primarily to afford an opportunity for experiential learning through athletic participation for the entire HSU Community. We serve to cultivate lifetime recreational skills, to integrate students socially in a sports setting, and to foster a spirit of sportsmanship and fair play among participants and spectators. Intramurals offers a variety of opportunities for individuals of all abilities.
Individuals and organizations participating in Intramural Sports should do so with the attitude that good sportsmanship and fair play are an integral part of the activity. The rules and procedures set forth in this publication will be used as guidelines to apply toward the Intramural Program. The Intramural Office reserves the right to amend, alter, or dissolve any of these guidelines or rules for the enhancement of the program. All participants are expected to comply with the spirit as well as the letter of the rules.